When Should You Stop Counting Your NoFap or Porn-Free Streak?

When Should You Stop Counting Your NoFap or Porn-Free Streak?

Guidance on when it's time to stop counting the days during your reboot

Ultimately, I recommend that everyone in our REMOJO programs, or reading my sexual self-mastery book, stop counting the days and thinking of “streaks”.

Why? Because the end-point of this journey is:

- Identity-level change

- Freedom from porn forever

- Sexual self-mastery as a default state of being

Attaining those initial 30/90/180365 day streaks are short term milestones to aim for to establish a beachead and focus intensely on the initial change process.

Why Stop Counting Your Streak Days?

Counting days beyond 30 or 90 is the mindset of the addict - who struggles one day at a time, considering each day of abstinence a victory. The addiction is a almost like a part of their identity that must be permanently suppressed on a daily basis. I don’t want you to take this mindset into the deeper part of this journey, because we want to form a new identity that sees positive qualities of self-mastery as positive expressions of that identity.

Tracking the days beyond that first 90 also hinders you from really moving on to the further revitalisation and growth required to lock in the progress and life momentum more generally. You need to get on with life and start optimising your mind, body, relationships, and crowding out the bad with new, constructive habits. You have to let porn or fapping go and forget about it; to let those neural connections wither and die.

Turning outward, beyond ourselves, you should know that no-one really cares about your day counter after 30/90 days. They care about whether you’re completely porn-free or not - forever.

Days free aren’t strictly a benefit, and they’re not a change either, in and of themselves. They drive the real benefits, and real character and behaviour changes that you make and experience. The day count itself doesn’t improve the lives of those important people around you - the real benefits and real changes do.

How To Decide When To Stop Counting Your NoFap / Reboot Streak

Signs that it’s time to stop counting the days:

  • You’ve achieved 30 days free easily
  • You’ve achieved 90 days free, easily or with much effort
  • Avoiding porn has become your default state. It’s no longer part of your typical day
  • Your wife or accountability partner is no longer excited by your progress in terms of day count, and is becoming more concerned about real outcomes and lifestyle/relationship improvements
  • You find that tracking your day count is making you think more about PMO than you would if you just ignored it and got on with your life

Evaluate how well these points apply to you, and if you’re not there yet, think ahead to your next major milestone and plan to check in and reevaluate again then.

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