Are There Any Downsides to Quitting Porn?

Are There Any Downsides to Quitting Porn?

How the illusion of loss holds men back from quitting

Many guys fail to commit fully due to the illusion of loss. They may believe that giving up P means actually losing something, creating a subtle sense of inner conflict and mixed motivations.

But you’re not losing anything. It’s ALL good.

P has done absolutely nothing for you except hold you back and retard your development as a man. When you look at a smoker deciding whether to quit smoking, would you think they’re giving anything up aside from an addictive dopamine rush and a five-minute deep-breathing break? One can just as easily take five minutes to breathe deeply without a cigarette, and there are a thousand companies that will sell you a dopamine dump in a can/bar/snort/puff etc, if that’s what you want. That’s all most junk products are.

There are three main avenues the pro-P crabs use to try to pull you back down into their barrel. One is the supposed “fun” - i.e. pleasure you get from P. The second is the emotional crutch argument for using it as a relaxation technique (like that makes any sense). The third is for P serving as some kind of sex education service or for brainstorming new ideas in the bedroom.

Let’s dismantle these in a few seconds.

Will you miss the fun?

What fun? It’s not fun; it’s just a massive dopamine dump (which is actually a loss, since you’ll only feel worse afterwards). 

If a friend asked for a recommendation of something fun to do in your city, you wouldn’t recommend they just stay at home and watch P. Giving up P means that you can fill that time with things that are really fun, and don’t make you feel depressed afterwards.

Are you giving up your emotional crutch? 

No - you’re freeing up space to learn how to handle your anxiety, low mood, isolation and other states you want to escape like an adult man. P is such a dysfunctional coping mechanism…It’s time to find ones that really work. A good relaxation technique wouldn’t make you feel more stressed and in need of it tomorrow (think about it, that’s actually the hallmark of any addictive behaviour).

Is there anything to learn from porn?

P is not sex education or a way to discover anything of any value. The reason that we don’t use it as sex education is that we don’t want everyone to learn how to rape their step-sister or form a gang with 10 other guys to exploit a defenceless 18 year-old. Just get in bed with a real woman and figure it out from there, like everyone else has done for the entirety of human history.

Any “benefits” that pro-P voices use to justify using P are either deceitful or naive. P is not a good relaxation technique, stress reliever, or sex education. The less sinister of these voices are people who are so non-judgemental they’ve lost the ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil, or are so open-minded that their brain seems to have slid out of their skull and fallen straight into the toilet. The more sinister of them are satanic forces that want to monetise the degradation of your very soul.

No, giving up P is ALL good. Giving up P is all GAIN. It frees up time, energy and space for real fun, learning how to handle your emotions and stresses like an adult man, and learning what you like and dislike in bed with a real woman.

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