Why Are Men Challenging Themselves to Quit Porn?

Why Are Men Challenging Themselves to Quit Porn?

REMOJO users explore the pornfree life (and have a lot to say about it)

Why Are Men Quitting Porn?

When the average age of first exposure to porn is 11 and 87% of college-age men watch it regularly, it’s fair to say that Internet porn is common and “normal.” Yet in a time when most men are happily wanking with one hand while clicking and tapping with the other, a small but growing minority is choosing not to—or challenging themselves to go without it for 30 days to see what happens.

We made REMOJO to help these explorers find success, get their vitality back, and enjoy incredible real-life relationships. Here are some of the benefits our users are discovering in just a few days to a few months without porn.

Better sex!

I felt like I would never get out of my PIED at the start. It does get better but it takes time. You’ve got the mental equivalent of a broken leg. Give it at least 2 months and, even then, don’t go for a run just because you can put your weight on it. Morning wood will come back more frequently and harder as you recover. This is your sign that you are healing.


I think it took about three or so months for the PIED to go away…but I had to settle back into things. Trust me!!!! It will go away!!!! BUT!!!!! You cannot ‘test’. You can’t try to ‘just see’ or experiment to see if it's gone. I relapsed soooo many times because I quit for two weeks, then wanted to see if it improved things. That led to feeling guilty…that led to justifying porn. Keep your hands off, that’s vitally important. When you are active with a partner. It may take a couple of times to settle back into things. Go slow…don’t put pressure on yourself.


My wife and I are going through hiccups in relationship but yesterday I had a great sexual breakthrough. Little tmi if you don’t want to read anymore. During sex I 0 2 times and it was amazing for both of us. I remember when I was watching porn and trying to quit I would go limp sometimes and it would really hurt my wife. Seriously no porn and masturbation really makes sex a million times better!

More connected with partner and family.

Even at day 112 this is only my second post under Success Stories.
I’m posting here because after almost two and a half weeks on the couch I got invited back into the bedroom last night! And it may have only been for one night but hell, it’s progress I’m going to celebrate and be proud! And it was to sleep and be close, cause even during our ‘separation’  we’re not abstaining.
I’m proud my relationship with my wife is improving. I’m being a more involved and thoughtful father. I am doing more around the house and yard. I’m working out and getting in better shape.
I am starting to like myself again and it shows.


On day 23! Feels like forever but this new me is more involved in family life than I was before. I play with my boy more and I flirt with my wife more and I have the urge to want to do things for her. This is that man that I want to continue to be for them.


77 days and not looking back. Urges are negligible. I tried going monk mode but can’t seem to get beyond about 30 days or so before it becomes unmanageable. So have accepted that occasional masturbation is okay but I’m keeping it very occasional (because that’s tripped me up in the past). My relationship has massively improved too and although we’re not intimate, it’s definitely moving in that direction. To be honest, I just feel so much better about myself, which for me is enough motivation. To be able to look in my wife’s and kid’s eyes without guilt is the biggest motivator you can have. I’m 13 days from 90. Can’t quite believe after all the struggles I’ve nearly managed a full reboot.


43 days porn free. Porn nearly destroyed my marriage last year and now my relationship is stronger than ever. It’s not just the addiction but that was a big part of it.
I have a sex life now with my wife and really enjoy it. I’m feeling less irritable and enjoying more of the little things in life.
I’ve removed most triggers although still find seeing women out and about can be triggering. But whereas before seeing someone attractive would have led to porn use later I now acknowledge the trigger and don’t act on the impulse. There will always be triggers unless you go live in a monastery. It’s about not responding to them through porn that’s the key.

Clear minded with a clean conscience.

Day 7. I never had my mind this clear. I can think better, and I can finish tasks more efficiently. It’s more like doing the task that before I keep running away and going to porn for relief. I’ve realised that maybe this time, I just need courage, dedication and commitment. Instead of running away from the pain, maybe lean a little bit more into it.
I’m gonna try for 30 days, hopefully I’ll make it. I mean pornography ruined my life for about 14 years now, relationship wise and and the way I connect with other people. It made me numb and nihilistic.
Anyways, I’ll stay devoted to the journey and trust the process. Hopefully heal my brain to the point that I will not think of porn and masturbation. I really don’t want to be that person telling my future family and children that I’m a porn addict, you know what I’m saying? I can’t be that. I can’t allow myself to be that.


I have finally admitted that I have a problem!!!! I have taken my relationship with the most amazing girl for granted. My fixation with porn and how it has clouded my vision of reality has unfortunately led to huge issues. I am madly in love with my fiancée, however always find that I am unable to control myself when round other girls, either on nights out or at social events, just to chase that dopamine hit like watching porn.
I have never cheated and hopefully never will, but years of heavy porn use has affected the way I process risks and consequences. I will feel guilty if ever I flirt or dance with other girls the day after a night out, but temptation mixed with alcohol always means I am chasing that dopamine hit. And that’s the scary part! I feel like I cannot even trust myself anymore. It seems innocent watching porn at first, but when it stops you from disconnecting the fantasy from real life, then it becomes a huge issue.

Finally unbothered by urges and porn fantasies.

Had a porn addiction. Everyday all it took was a thought in my head and I was straight on a site. Tried so hard but had to always get my little fix. This app has helped me so much being able to block these sites. I don’t even try going on them anymore, don’t get urges or nothing. As for sexual performance… skyrocketed along with my confidence it’s like I was 20 again aha I won’t go back to porn as I know the damages it causes.


Day 30 - hit it. First time. So this is proof it’s possible. I’ve been trapped in porn for 20 years. If I can do it - you can too. So next target is 60 days, will be interesting to see what happens. And what improves. I’ve definitely found the urges to seek porn have diminished quite a lot. Oh and to be clear I’m doing this in hard mode. The not masturbating bit definitely makes it more challenging.

More time, energy, confidence, and focus to reach my potential.

Day 30 here! Really happy to be this far. Not the end - aiming for 90, but focused on making it to day 31 first.
Hang in there. I’ll be 40 this year. Struggled for years with PMO. Gotten incredibly worse in the past 10 or so years. Hard to imagine all the time and energy I’ve wasted for this addiction. But being a non-user for these past 30 days has opened my eyes to my potential.
It gets better. Use the app. Use the emergency button. Do the work.


-I blocked everything I could possibly search for
-blocked newly downloaded
-new codes delivered after 1 hour
-used panic mode liberally
not going to lie, I had to reset my first try since, while I didn’t act out, I felt like I was in search of doing the same thing and had the same feeling of out of control behavior and shame. So I decided to start over.
The first 10 days were the hardest. The next 10 were less hard, but still hard. The last 10 days honestly flew by.
I feel like a completely different person. I feel like I am living life on MY terms now, which gives me so much confidence and self-esteem. I have never been able to stand up for myself the way I can now, in a respectful and firm way. I am genuinely excited to go another 30 days.
I could not do it without Remojo. Thank you!!


I’m up to 163 days and temptations are rare. I’ll be retiring April 15th! I’m glad I’m prepared and have other interests keeping my mind clean. A huge part of my victory is this app and using a random PIN. Looking forward to a clean and service-oriented retirement.


Day 59: I just wanted to say I am so grateful for this app and community. Today I was informed by this apprenticeship that I really wanted to get into chose me over several candidates. I cannot stress how the past year I was struggling with temp jobs and overall crappy jobs (including my current one) and I feel so relieved that I can get the proper training and growth in a good company. I am so grateful for the results of not watching porn or masturbating and also focusing on rewiring my brain and being honest with myself and my wife. It feels amazing when things are getting better after so long. There’s still a lot of improvement needed in my marriage but I can do this. I want to thank my wife for all of her support and all of y’all and this community. Thank you.

All of the above

Well, I’ve reached 90 days. I’ll allow myself a long reflective post. I want to say to everyone starting out that it does get better, but it happens slowly. So slowly that you don’t notice until you look back. I’ve also been sober since the start of the year, so some of the changes may be due to that. But my mental health has never been better. I don’t think we realise how much stress we put ourselves under watching porn, but when it’s gone it’s a real weight off your mind. PIED gets better really slowly but again you have to be patient. I know I’m not “cured” and I can never go back to using porn again. The courses here really helped give the understanding and the motivation to keep away.

These reports come from men who weren’t satisfied spending their time and energy jerking themselves off to videos of other people having sex. They felt something better was waiting for them. They couldn’t be sure where that choice would lead them, but uncertainty is inherent to any adventure! 

If you’re ready to take the first steps of your own journey, download the free REMOJO app. You can get inspiration and ideas from the stories of others, but the only way to discover your own potential is to take the plunge yourself.

Live better without porn.

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